Monday, February 28, 2011

Keep Trying!

Hello Family!

So I had a pretty cool thing happen to me the other day; So I was on a split- I´ve been on so many splits, it´s insane- and we were in my area, Krefeld. I didn´t really know where anything was, or anyone lived, so when we planned what we were going to do for the day I had absolutely no idea. We didn´t have any appointments, so we would normally pick some inactive members and potential investigators to go by, but like I said, I have no idea where anything was, so we just contacted like all day.

I decided to set a goal on how many pamphlets and cards to hand out before the day ended. We talked to SO many people it was crazy, and we got to hand out a bunch of stuff, no one wanted to make appointments or anything, but they were accepting cards and pamphlets which is better than nothing. So the end of the day came and I had one more left in my pocket, I had just picked up my companion and returned from Duisberg to Krefeld and I was wondering who I was going to give my last pamphlet to. Then, this guy was awkwardly staring at me (which is actually normal haha) and so I went to talk to him, but, before I said anything he asked if I was a mormon missionary, he then talked about how much respect he had for the missionaries and all that they did, then he looked down and saw my pamphlet hanging out, he asked for it, I probably giggled like a little school girl and gave it to him haha, and then we talked a little more. He was going back to France where he lived, so we told him how to get in touch with the missionaries there, but it was way awesome how I was blessed to accomplish my goal!

So we had a zone conference , and it was all about Finding People. It was perfect because I´ve been trying really hard getting my companion to talk to people. We are still working on it, but things are getting better which is awesome! He has been kinda down because we are like never teaching and when we have a lesson planned something normally happens so we don´t get to meet with them, so I told him some things like confirming appointments and daily contact with investigators and stuff, but then he said experience has taught him that those things don´t work which was a lame answer in my opinion because Preach My Gospel and our White Handbook was revelation and went through the First Presidency and Quorum of Twelve Apostles before we were allowed to use it, so it obviously works. I showed him the stuff in Preach My Gospel and The White Handbook and he still wasn´t really taking it to heart, but then our District Leader called. He asked how things were going and my companion said terrible, so our District Leader asked what we can do better, I have what I thought we could do and Elder Mayle said the same stuff he told me to the District Leader, then our District Leader brought out the same exact stuff from Preach My Gospel and The Handbook that I had. It was pretty awesome because right after that my companion was willing to make some new goals revolving around those principles.

I´m glad to hear everyone is doing good, Kaylea super awesome job in school! Con-Man, you know what is right, "O be wise, what can I say more" -Jacob 6:12

Have a great week!
-Elder Collings

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