Monday, March 21, 2011

Germany is prepared to receive the Gospel

Hello Family!

It was another wonderful week to be a missionary. We got transfer calls yesterday, and I am staying in Krefeld with my companion. We were able to double the lessons taught last transfer, and triple the lessons taught 2 transfers ago. Krefeld is definately growing, just a little bit at a time haha.

So to start off, I had a pretty cool experience that my companion is actually kinda mad about which is a shame, but, we were having a lesson with one of our investigators, this was the lady that I felt like we could totally get a baptism with. She hadn´t been praying and was reading everything except the Book of Mormon and we have taught her everything, so we really just needed her to start exercising faith to pray for an answer. So the entire lesson I felt like I needed to make her a promise, but I didn´t want to because it was a super amazing promise haha, but, it got to the point where I literally couldn´t help it, I had to. I promised her that if she would read and pray every day this week, this Sunday, so yesterday, she would recieve an answer that the Church was true. I could feel the spirit way strong, and I actually said it in perfect German which was even cooler.

It just so happens my companion did not agree however. He didn´t want to lose an investigator, so I told him after, how can he expect her to receive an answer when he doesn´t believe she can? Sunday came, and Frau Wever decided to not read or pray, at all. She of course did not get an answer to her prayer, because she didn´t pray. It was a shame, and it also turns out she lost her job and is way stressed out right now and doesn´t want to meet with us anymore. She said she will still come to Church though which is awesome. Oh, another thing, the Sunday the talks were PERFECT! They were all about getting answers to prayers and exercising faith and it was totally amazing. So, it would have been totally awesome if she had believed the promise, and gone through with it, but, I have no regrets because I know I did what the Lord wanted me to do, I can´t take away someones agency.

Other than that experience right there, things are basically the same. I am doing great and happy to be here, this place will have so much success once Elder Mayle and I are both on the same page and doing all the the Lord requires of us. My companion is kinda down right now because his best friend on the mission goes home on Wednesday, his 2 years are over. He went on a split with him on Friday, and they decided to mess around instead of going to the 2 lessons we had planned.... and now one of those people doesn´t want us to come back.... So there are things we can both improve on haha but Germany is prepared to receive the gospel.

Elder Collings

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