Monday, April 30, 2012

April 30 back to work!

Man, this week was awesome haha.  So, I was with Elder C until Thursday, and Elder K stayed with us a couple of days (His name in German means Cancer)  They were both going home.  We didn´t really get to get out and do much work or anything because Elder C still had a TON of stuff to pack and we had to do some other things to prepare him to go home.  But the last 2 days were way awesome because Elder K only speaks German, he is from Switzerland.  It got me used to only speaking German again, so, now with my new companion we are only speaking German again haha.  On transfer day, the Office bought the wrong tickets for some of the Elders, so when I sent Elder C and Elder K away on a train, I ended up alone for a couple of hours haha.  It was funny to think about, before my mission I wouldn´t care or anything, but, I´ve been out for over a year and always had someone right next to me, it was way super weird being alone for a couple of hours haha.
    Now I am serving with Elder Ho, I put a picture up there for ya, he´s the one in the apron.  He´s way awesome, I knew him in the MTC.  He just barely finished training, and Elder Ha, the Elder I just trained is actually going up to serve with his old companion, so my Son is serving with his Son, and the Dads come together haha.  Elder Ho is way awesome, he´s a solid worker and great at basically everything, it´ll be fun to serve with him.
   This week we had a street preach.  A bunch of Elders and Sisters and some members got together in a town called Wuppertal to sing, play some music and talk to people on the street.  About 10 minutes into it, some police came up to us and told us we weren´t allowed to do that because it was disturbing people in the City-Hall.... The City-Hall isn´t open on Saturday and there was a band right next to us being like 5X as loud... but, whatever.  It was awesome to finally get to work way hard, the last couple of weeks I haven´t had so much time to work.  We also got a random call right before that, my 1st zone leader, Elder A, called up.  He is in a group that studies around Europe from BYU.  He was visiting Düsseldorf for the weekend, so he came to the Street Preach.  He is also the one that trained my Trainer, so technically I am  his Grandson.  We actually went up and talked to people on the street together, it was cool because last time I couldn´t say a word haha. 
    Now that we can finally get out and do lots of work, its been awesome to see the miracles again haha.  On Saturday, we ended up making 7 lessons out for this coming week, and we found a family of 8 from Macedonia.  We taught the family yesterday and we get to meet with them again today.  No idea how old the mom and dad are, but their kids are 17,15,13,11, 9 and 2. They are way awesome, and they like basketball, so I´m going to bring them to the Church and play some ball with them all =)  
    The work is going great and I´m having a blast!  So mother´s day is in 2 weeks!  Guess we should start planning everything right now then.  If you call at 11.00 your time then that would be great, my address is:
Karl-Anton Str.18
40211 Düsseldorf
    Thanks for everything, you´re all awesome!
Elder Collings

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