Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Hello Family!
    This week was way awesome, just like every week, I really don´t know how else to start my letters, but, I think that works.  This week was way cool we worked hard, and were blessed with success, imagine how that works out haha.  But, basically, I changed a little bit of what I do, and things have been working better.  I will not lie, I was nervous every time we went into a lesson because I had no idea what Elder H would say.   I just stopped worrying about what he was going to say and just focused on what I could say to help these people, and, we have had more success.  This week we found 2 really cool investigators.  The first one is 17 years old.  His name is Rafaelo, and he comes from Romania.  He said that he has wanted to be baptized Christian for a really long time, but, his parents wont let him for some reason.  We sat down on a bench and taught him the restoration.  At the end he asked me what he could do to really know this was true, he didn´t know how to pray, he had never done it before.  We prayed with him on the bench in the park, after that, he waited for like 10 seconds, looked up and said that it felt good.  He already felt the spirit, and he really wants to pray for himself now.  We should be meeting with him for the second time today, and i´m pretty excited.
    The second guy is also young, he is 19.  I have no idea how to pronounce his name, so, he said it doesn´t matter, I can call him whatever I want haha.  He has told me a couple of times that I am his hero, he also called me an angel sent from God and he said he wanted to be just like me.  He has had a rough life, when he was 14 he made a mistake and basically every one in his high school made fun of him.  He then got a disease in his stomach and he was in a coma... except it isn´t a coma, he said it´s like a coma, (I really don´t know what it is) for 3 years.  He is healthy now, but, he doesn´t really have any friends, all of his old friends don´t want anything to do with him.  So, we doored in on him Sunday Night, as we were leaving, I saw that he had a basketball by the door.  I asked if he played, and he said that he wants to be in the NBA when he grows up.  I told him I really like to play ball too,  and I told him I´d invite him to come play at the Church sometime.  The next day was P-Day (We didn´t have time yesterday, that´s why I´m e-mailing today) and right in the middle of the day he called us up to see when we could play some basketball.  We went to his house, he lives across the street from us, and gave him an Albanian Book of Mormon, his Mom had asked for one because she can´t speak German or English, then she asked for a German one for her husband... and an English one for her Son.... anyway, we invited him to play basketball 6.30 the next morning (Today) He was there waiting for us outside our apartment, we jogged to the Church (yes I jogged haha) and played some basketball.... and I won 44-18 haha.  This guy is really cool, we are hoping his Mom and Dad will have more interest because he is pretty slow, he doesn´t have any mental disabilities, he is just a really slow learner, he thought of the Book of Mormon like a Genie lamp when he read the promise from Moroni haha, he asked if he could pray after and get himself a wife.  So, yeah, we´re looking forward to helping him come closer to Christ.
    This week.... starting on Wednesday, we decided we were going to give out as many Books of Mormon as we could.  Every time we talked to someone it was about the Book of Mormon, or quickly bringing the Book of Mormon into it.  From Wednesday to Sunday, we gave out 25 Books of Mormon, and on Wednesday we gave out 11.  Sometimes I kinda forget about how much good the Book of Mormon will do when we let it get out there, so, it makes me feel good knowing that I´m handing a lot more out.  This week we also talked to President Schwartz, Elder H wanted permission to buy a guitar and play it in his free time, and I wanted to ask if I could plan a time once a week for us to play basketball in the Church with anyone who wants to come, he said it was okay, so, we´re going to invite everyone now.  We´ve already got about 7 people that said they want to come, none of them are investigators or members, just people that we have talked to by the other hoops around town.
    So yeah, things are going well.  We have the baptism for Pepper this week,  we got it all planned out, we´re meeting with her every day until her baptism on Saturday.  She´s really excited, her aunt was just baptized last week... or maybe the week before, I´m not sure, but, her aunt said it was an amazing experience, and then sent us some marshmallows haha.  I´m way excited and looking forward to it!
    Anyway, that´s basically everything, things are going awesome, and I am happy =)
Elder Collings

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