Monday, July 25, 2011

A baptism!

Add Elder Chambers me and Andre´, Andre´ is the guy that just got baptized 
picture of the Baptismal Font... with pass a long cards in it, Elder Chambers was leaning over to feel how warm the water was while we were filling it up, and all of his cards fell out of his pocket into the font.
district picture, Elder Chambers, Elder Jensen, me and Elder Woodall, he´s going home in 2 days.

me giving a book of Mormon to Al Capone
Hello Family!
    This week was pretty much weird and awesome at the same time, we were so busy with planning stuff that it felt like we didn´t have any time to actually go and do the normal work we are used to haha.  
We had 2 splits this week, and one of them was terrible.  The Elder that I was with has no desire to do anything.... including taking a shower....It was so hard to get him to get outside and do some work, and then when he was outside he would walk SO slow, we missed like 3 buses because he just didn´t care. That was not a lot of fun, but, we made it through the day. Then I went on another split with the Zone Leaders in Nürnberg, it was pretty cool. The first hour I was there we set a baptismal date with a guy that they had been teaching, he actually basically asked us what he needed to do to get baptized haha.  But, the coolest thing this week was the baptism that we had in Würzburg.  Andre´got baptized and confirmed this week which was basically amazing.  He is way cool, he called us up and he had already planned everything out.  He knew which songs he wanted to be sang, he knew who he wanted to talk and baptize him and everything. The only thing he didn´t plan was who the witnesses were because he didn´t know about them.  I talked to him after the baptism about how he felt, he of course said that it was awesome, but, he said that as he walked into the water he had like 1,000 thoughts going through his head, but then as he was immersed, everything was just clear, he said he felt warm everywhere (probably because we worked so hard getting the water the right temperature haha) and he said everything just felt right.  Then during the confirmation, the spirit was so strong, he stood up afterward and had tears in his eyes, he was speechless and couldn´t explain what he had felt.  So that was basically super amazing awesome haha.
    This week we also found out Friday evening, that we were going to be giving talks in Church.  We had no idea, and I guess they basically didn´t know either until they saw us walk into the Church to clean the Baptismal Font. They just figured they´d have us speak, so, we were already way busy, and then we were a little busier haha.  But, the talks went way good, at the end of Sacrament meeting we had 6 different families invite us to dinner.  I think the Ward has started to warm up to us, they didn´t really like the missionaries that were here before, but, I think they like us now =)
    Not much happened other than that, our 2 most legit investigators were both sick this week, and then another one had a son that needed surgery, so,  hopefully all gets better for this week so we can keep helping them come close to Christ =)  And, that´s just about everything, Elder Chambers and I are both staying for another transfer, this transfer is only 5 weeks instead of 6 though... I don´t really know why, but, things are looking good, so hopefully we can keep having success.
   Thanks for all of your help with everything, I'm happy and doing great!
Elder Collings

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