Monday, May 2, 2011


Hello Family!

It was another wonderful week in Krefeld, and sadly it was my last =( I am being transferred this Wednesday to a place called Coburg. (which means you shouldn´t call the phone number I gave you last time, I´ll send an e-mail on Thursday saying what number to call) It is actually in a part of Germany called Bayern (By-Ern), or, in English we say Bavaria. They actually have 2-3 completely different forms of German down there, so I will speak to some people and have absolutely no idea what they are saying, but i´m kinda used to that haha. Elder Mayle actually served their for 2 transfers (12 weeks) and he absolutely loved it, he said it´s the most beautiful place in the mission.! And apparently, 20 minutes North of where our apartment is we are in East Germany which used to be communist territory. This place has a ton of history, there´s a castle there which happens to be the place where Martin Luther translated some of the Bible and a wall in our apartment that is 700 years old, needless to say, I am pretty excited to go, but also kinda sad haha.

At the beginning of this transfer, elder Mayle and I set a goal to teach 50 lessons this transfer, and, we ended up teaching 52 which was awesome. We have so many investigators that are amazing and i´m really going to miss teaching them. We stopped by a couple of them yesterday to say good-bye, and then I found out I don´t know how to say good-bye haha, I only know how to say `see ya later`. It´s been way cool to see how much Krefeld has grown, when Elder Mayle first got here, his companion was at his last 6 weeks. They basically stayed inside all day and only had one investigator, so the area was pretty dead. Then Elder Mayle got a different companion and they worked way hard, and then I came and Krefeld is super cool now haha. It went from 1 investigator and only 4 lessons in a transfer, to 8 investigators and 52 lessons, so that was super awesome to see how an area is blessed through hard work. This next transfer I could see Krefeld having 2-3 baptisms if they work hard.

Most awesome thing that happened this week was a lesson with this guy named Edmond. He comes out of Nigeria and he´s like way super Religious. We had a lesson with him in our Church on Thursday and it went way way good. At the end, once we talked about the Book of Mormon, he held it up and said ,"I know what i´m going to be doing the next 2 weeks." He was so excited about the Book of Mormon, he understood everything we taught, it´s going to be awesome to see... well, to hear, how he does.

Sounds like you all are doing great, sorry to hear about Con-Man´s mouth, i´d like some pictures please =). Where are you guys going on vacation? Conner sent an e-mail about something like that, but, he´s kind of a joker so I didn´t believe him haha. I did not get the package yet, but I have zone conference next week, so I´ll get to see all of my mail once I get there.

Anyway, I´m happy and excited to see another part of Germany, the not so industrial side, talk to you all later.

Elder Collings

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