Monday, June 27, 2011

Pictures and a Golden Investigator

Hello Family!
    This week was awesome, we had our last zone conference with President Ninnow, we get a new mission President in like 2 days.  It will be cool to see what changes happen with a new mission President, I have no idea what to expect, so, I guess I´ll just have to wait and see haha.
    We worked way hard this week and found a couple of new people to teach, and then we dropped one of them haha.  So, we found one new investigator this week, with TONS of potential investigators.  We also have had a guy that has come to Church every week for the last 2 months, and has been going to institute and stuff.  He has never wanted to meet with the missionaries, but, he wants to meet with us now.  He actually basically asked,"Hey, can I learn the baptism lessons?"  So, he has been reading in the Book of Mormon already and basically knows everything, we just need to make sure he knows everything, we are planning on baptizing him next Saturday.  It was quite a surprise haha.
    We also had a way weird, but super awesome lesson.  It was mostly awesome.  The only reason it was weird was because one of the first things we saw when we came into this guys house was 'Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith' sitting on his table.  His name is Samuel Leavitt, he comes from America, his wife is German.  They got into genealogy really big a little while ago and found out that a bunch of their ancestors are LDS.  So, they started learning all about the Church, I´m not going to lie, I think he knew more about the history of the Church than I did.  He even kinda challenged me on something, he said,"I bet my ancestors were Mormon before your ancestors were Mormon."  I think he might have us beat haha.  He and his wife were really open with everything and they both said that they wanted to learn more, they both said that they had absolutely nothing against the Church.  The wife spoke more bad about her Catholic Church than the LDS Church, and the man has never belonged to a Church.  The man actually stood up in front of a huge committee of just about every church in Europe, he was a translator for this committee, and he asked why the Mormon religion wasn´t part of the committee (The committee was attempting to find a way to join all of their religions into one big religion....kinda weird)  The head of the committee stood up and said they would never do work with our religion because "They don´t believe in the Bible."  Samuel Leavitt then called him out and basically put him in his place haha.  He actually had about 5 stories like that, he says he hates it when people spread lies and most the lies are about our Church so he calls people out on them. 
    So, we were pretty excited to meet with them, we asked for a return appointment and they said the first of August, we asked if we could have one before that since it was like forever away and then we found out they are traveling to America.  They are visiting Carthage, Nauvoo, Winter Quarters, and Salt Lake City haha.  Their family history is basically all in our religion so they decided to plan a trip and check it all out, they know all of the stories to these places already, dates and everything, pretty amazing.  So, we won´t get to meet with them for a long time, but, that´s okay haha.  Pretty cool investigators right?
    That´s just about everything haha,   I´m having a blast in Würzburg, I´m happy and doing great, thanks for all that you guys do!
Elder Collings

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